Hetalia: Axis Powers - Liechtenstein

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Which is The Meaning of "Pembelajar Sepanjang Hayat"? : Long Life Learner or Lifelong Learner?

Hello, buddies. Long time no share anything on my blog. So, today I would like to share you something that I often find out on my friends' Instagram bio or their posts' caption. Maybe some of you also do that, don't you? hehe. Ok, Let's get started!

When I looked into some of my friends' Instagram profiles, I started to focus on their Instagram bio. I often see that their instagram bio even their photos' caption are written "Long Life Learner". So, What does "Long Life Learner" mean itself?
If you want to tell someone that you are "seorang pembelajar sepanjang hayat", you should say that you're a lifelong learner not a long life learner. Why? because they have different meanings. Lifelong Learner consists of two words, they are "lifelong" that means "abadi" or similar to "sepanjang hayat" or "seumur hidup" and "learner" that means "pembelajar". So, the meaning of "lifelong learner" itself is "Pembelajar sepanjang hayat" or Pembelajar abadi". Whereas, "long life learner" consists of three words, they are "long" that means "panjang", "life" that means "hidup" and "learner" that means "pembelajar". So, the meaning of "long life learner" itself is "Pembelajar yang berumur panjang". See! they are different, aren't they?

Furthermore, let's see from their grammars!
For the first phrase that is "lifelong learner". "lifelong" is an adjective that describes a noun, and an adjective is placed before a noun and "Learner" is a noun. That's why, we should put "lifelong" first then "learner" and "lifelong" provides information about "learner". It tells that the learner is lifelong.

Next, the second phrase that is "long life learner". "long" is an adjective that describes "life"(noun), and "long life" is a combination of an adjective (long) + a noun (life) that becomes into an adjective that describes "learner"(noun).

How about "Life Long Learner"?
I think the phrase of "Life Long Learner" has the wrong grammar eventhough we know what it means. Why is it wrong? because We shouldn't have given a space between "Life" and "Long". If we do it, the phrase will have a wrong grammar because we should put an adjective before a noun. but in this case, the adjective "long" is put between two nouns, they are life and long. So it has different meaning even untranslatable.

So, the conclusion of my post is that if we want to say that we are "pembelajar sepanjang hayat" we should say "lifelong learner" but if we want to say that we are "pembelajar yang berumur panjang", we should say "long life learner".

Okay, I think that's all for today. Thank you for reading this. Hope you understand what I've strived to explain. Keep being a lifelong learner and don't forget to share to the others so they will know as well. See you on another chance.

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